in re:
if God gave only those who will endure to Christ, then no one who belongs to Him will fail to endure - therefore everyone who is saved will always be saved and there is no such thing as losing salvation; there is only never having belonged to Him in the first place.
as much as you clearly despise the assurance of our faith, i did not realize you yourself were OSAS.
This is the will of the Father who sent Me,
that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing,
but should raise it up at the last day.
(John 6:39)
A subjective interpretation of Jesus' prayer referring to them who would "endure to the end"
if God gave only those who will endure to Christ, then no one who belongs to Him will fail to endure - therefore everyone who is saved will always be saved and there is no such thing as losing salvation; there is only never having belonged to Him in the first place.
as much as you clearly despise the assurance of our faith, i did not realize you yourself were OSAS.
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