Hmm. You say the point is whether Christ holds things holds things against those who sin? But I don't see how Rev 2-3 applies to that point. John was directed to write a book, and that book was to be delivered to 7 churches. Within that book were 7 distinct msgs, one specific to each of those 7 churches, as contained in ch.2-3. Although in my own personal reading, I can always take the Word and apply it directly to my own walk, (both warnings and blessings), as the Holy Spirit would lead, in order to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord, I don't want to assume that what I read applies to another individual believer, especially when the given passage specifically says it is written to specific 'churches' within the larger body, (THE Church). Moreover, in my opinion, and I admit I'm a real 'rookie' at this, so I always welcome correction/instruction, But I see the answer before I even get to Ch.2-3. In Ch.1 verse5b-6a, the Bible says, '...Unto Him that loved us, and WASHED US FROM OUR SINS IN HIS OWN BLOOD, And has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; ...' . This doesn't sound to me like he is holding anything (sin-wise) against individuals. God bless you all posting in this thread, I'm seeing brothers and sisters who really care about knowing God's Word, and that's pretty cool.

' Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen.' (just to finish out that Wonderful verse 6!)