I just don't see where OSAS in the Bible and I have a pretty open mind about it. The evidence is pretty stacked against OSAS being accurate especially when the words "let" and "if" are used to make 1 John 2:24,25 conditional. This isn't even just 1 John. From Genesis to Revelation there's evidence against OSAS, but nothing I see supports eternal life being given to those who lose their faith.
Eternal life is eternal. it is a gift. A gift has no conditions.
The abrahamic covenant had no conditions. God said, I WILL. Abraham believed God and God credited him with righteousness
After abraham was saved by his faith. he had many many lapses in faith which caused him co commit grave sins, including adulty that Israel is still suffering the results of today.
Our salvation is based on that same covenant. God did not say, if you do this, I will do that. He said I will
Just like in John 3, 4 5 and 6 and many other areas, Jesus said he gave his life for the world. But that does not mean the world will be saved, he will not force it on you. He will only give to those who recieve. As john said, but as many as recieved him, to THEM he gave the right to become children of God.
Judas did not recieve Christ, He had knowledge, but he did not recieve him. He walked with him, but he did not trust him, It is people like Judas that John is warning us about in his epistle. People who have knowledge, but the knowledge did not bring them to recieve christ in faith. Judas did nto lose salvation because he left Christ and turned against him, He never had salvation. The same passage in John 6 where jesus tells his true believers they will never die, live forever, never hunger or thirst, they have eternal life and will be raised by him on the last day. that Judas was one of those who could not see, because they did not believe.
This is not an OSAS isue (I actually do nto like the term, it has caused many a fight) it is a God issue
1. Did God account the believer as righteous. if so they are saved, and have eternal life, Just as abraham did. It does not mean they wil not sin or show lapse in faith in different areas of their life
2. The promise of eternal life is based on God. He said I will. he did nto say if you do, I will. So if a person that God saves and gives this gift of eternal life is in the end lost. thats on God. its not on the person. The person could never merit salvation to begin with, as such, they can never unmerit it.
Saying a person can lose faith is saying it is not God holding on to them, it is saying they hold on to God. I am suprised you do not see the flaw in this logic. If we must hold onto God we are depending on our strength. and our power. That is a pure recipe for failure and disaster. it is depending on self. Not God.
The tax collector got on his kneee, unable to even look up. He understood he had no hope. he became bankrupt in spirit, and called out for God to save him. He went him justified (declaired innocent) with the same righteousness God gave to Abraham. As paul said in romans 11. The gifts of God are irrevocable. Just as God will keep his promise to abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He will keep his promise to those he gives the power or right to become children of God.
God said come to me and he will give us rest. If we are depending on our power. We can have no rest. Because it is on us, not God.