I believe all our sins are forgiven when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. I believe the Bible when it says in Colossians 2:13 And you, BEING DEAD in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has MADE ALIVE TOGETHER WITH HIM, having forgiven ALL trespasses.
All my sins were paid for on the cross. Every last one of them. Those who have Jesus have been forgiven "once and for all" Jesus is our perfect sacrifice for sins daily. Jesus is our PERFECT new covenant HIGH PRIEST. He did ONCE FOR ALL when He offered up Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sins.
Unlike the earthly high priests of the old covenant. They had to continually make sacrifices over..... and over.... and over..... and over..... and over.... and over..... and over again. ..,,.... year after year.... after year.... after year.... after year.... after year.... Those earthly old covenant high priests were not sinless nor did they live forever., they died eventually. But Jesus lives after the power of an endless life. He EVER makes intercession for us His saints as He stands always on our behalf.
If you don't believe this than you don't believe it. But I hold to this truth and have confidence in Jesus and in the Bible and lean on these truths He promises daily. This truth also instills and endorses and supports other Bible verses like Romans 8:1 There is therefore NOW NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. This is solid Bible truth that is either going to be accepted or rejected. I accept it for my life and am sustained by it each day.
I have confidence that my sins are all forgiven so I can always go to the Father and receive grace and help in time of need. I'm a believer and am no longer IN my trespasses and sins as I was before being born again. Now I am IN Christ and righteous.
These Bible truths are facts as far as I'm concerned. But if you disagree... than you disagree.
Me again!!!