Based on arguments made here on CC among these oh so many like threads, based on my own thread in which we broke down each individual argument, based on study, and based on experience, this is how it really works:
1. We are free to believe or disbelieve according to our own free will.
2. Righteousness/Salvation is based upon belief/faith.
3. Belief and faith are not acts of works.
4. We are not saved by acts of works.
5. Works are a reliable discerner of salvation status
6. Once His, God will never turn us away because of our works
7. Even when saved we retain our right to believe/disbelieve
8. By disbelief (apostasy) one can turn themselfs away from salvation
9. Disbelief is not an act of works
10. Salvation is not lost by works.
11. Salvation is lost by apostasy
Brother Ricky, I'm afraid your final answer is just gonna generate more and more debating. But my hat's off to ya for trying.
Nevertheless, only the Holy Spirit can open our eyes of understanding. Our carnal mind (intellect, mentality, intelligence, etc) cannot even hope to grasp the reality of grace in Jesus Christ. It's only discerned by the spirit of Christ in us. So long as a man is content with and convinced that his physical efforts of obedience and believes it's "holiness", you're not gonna shake his confidence in the flesh. But what is impossible with man, is possible with God.
Remember the rich young ruler: "Lord, I have done all these things and have obeyed every law." He was pretty sure that his obedience made him holy enough for God. But Jesus knows our heart. He knew the rich young ruler was proud of his accomplishments and what he had gained by them. When the Lord exposed him by asking him to give away all he had, the rich young ruler walked away sadly. His house of cards collapsed.
Jesus wanted the rich young ruler to understand that eternal life is a free gift from God, not something earned or maintained by works.
Obedience from the heart isn't something we can brag about. It isn't something we do... but what Jesus is doing in us. It is the Holy Spirit performing His will in us and as we surrender our minds and hearts to Him more and more, we see Him clearer and clearer. It is believing with our mind that Jesus is conforming us and leading us to do His will. Like little children, the Father has grasped us by the hand, leading us and teaching us that He is in absolute control. And we can rest in that.