Look, this is what I always say to the people who refute the obvious truth that Vatican City is the prostitute of Babylon of Revelation. Well, then by all means, interpret all these aspects of the visions of Daniel and Revelation, if you can:
1. Who is the first beast of Daniel, which is the lion, and how does it relate to the mouth of a lion of the first beast of Revelation.
2. Who is the second beast of Daniel, which is the bear, and how does it relate to the feet of a bear of the first beast of Revelation.
3. Who is the third beast of Daniel, which is the leopard, and how does it relate to the appearance of the leopard of the first beast of Revelation.
4. Who is the fourth beast of Daniel, which has ten horns, and how does it relate to the ten horns of the first beast of Revelation.
5. How does the 4th beast devour the entire earth and how does that relate to the prostitute of Babylon ruling over all the kings of the earth?
6. Who are the 7 heads of the first beast of Revelation, and which is the head that was wounded and was healed?
7. Who is the 8th head of the first beast of Revelation?
8. Who is the second beast of Revelation?
9. What is the mark of the beast and how did the second beast issue it and how does it relate to the prostitute of Babylon?
10. What is the image of the beast and how does the second beast cause the inhabitants of the earth to establish it?
Only someone who holds the truth can piece this all together and relate it to each other, because it is very complex and only the truth can piece it all together logically and coherently and in relation to actual history. And well, not to toot my my horn too much, I have pieced it all together, in a coherent and logical explanation interpreting each of this aspects of each vision and how they all relate together and how they all relate to actual history, not made up history,
http://www.wisdomofgod.us/2018/12/0...the-mark-of-the-beast-and-the-meaning-of-666/ .
So let us see what you can come up with, if you even can.

What I find is that most people are quick to try to poke holes in the truth here and there, because they don't want to believe the truth, yet they have nothing to bring to the table regarding a true interpretation to these visions, because they ultimately do not have the truth. It's like trying to tell a flat earther the world is spherical and they keep going back to their nonsensical explanations as to why the earth must be flat. Ignorant.