In otherwords, who do I submit my feet to (so they might wash them)?
You just HAD to go there, dint ya?!
Now, where's the single girl to ask me that?
Bring the alabaster box of scented oil.
Post-massage is free, too.
MESSage. Post message is free. Heh.
Lol, Wouldn't this mean she pastes pastors?
I'm thinking it's Coby the Paster/Pastor,
but I'll have to check in the Ta-dah.
1st Johnacleese 5, I think.
No wait! ....... 3.
Coby the paster pastor picked a peck of PilgrimPassing posts.
A peck of PilgrimPassing posts did Coby the paster/pastor pick.
If people protest paster/pastor Coby picking posts...
How many PilgrimPassing posts will Coby promptly pick?
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28)
...therefore, women can teach men.
And I thank God for them.
I alluded to that earlier, but I think Lynn (Depleted)
thought I was saying they should necessarily be pastors.
(if not, I apologize, sorry Lynn)
I was saying I've learned many things from many
of our christian sisters, and their were/are times when
I'm pretty sure God ministers to my heart through them.
Is that a form of teaching/pastoring?
I suppose it is.
Whether or not they belong in the pulpit
is another question.
I know there's a lot of guys that are there
that probably shouldn't be, though.