Let say those parchements were written (hipotetically) this way: "And the word was WITH God... and the word became flesh" and the RCC or several other men manipulated what was in the originals (as I also could be viewed and felt as manipularting what you already believed).
Jesus Himself acknowledged ONE God, along with their togetherness or oneness:
Joh 5:44 How can ye believe, who receive glory one of another, and the glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not?
Joh 5:45 Think not that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, on whom ye have set your hope.
Joh 5:44 How could you possibly believe? You like to have your friends praise you, and you don't care about praise that the only God can give!
Joh 5:45 Don't think that I will be the one to accuse you to the Father. You have put your hope in Moses, yet he is the very one who will accuse you.
In several other places He (Jesus) said He wasn´t seeking His glory, but the father´s glory (because He is His Son):
Joh 8:50 I don't want honor for myself. But there is one who wants me to be honored, and he is also the one who judges.
He came dow to do His Father´s will (not His, neither as His Son, nor as as divine, either):
When He knew His time has come, He publicly prayed to receive the honor, the glory (THE PLACE) He previously had with the Father, in heavens:
Joh 17:5 Now, Father, give me back the glory that I had with you before the world was created.
God, as GOD, previously existed "before the world was created". (If Jesus meant COSMOS, I´m absolutely wrong). And I doubt God can do without with His glory (read it as honor). Otherwise, Adam and Eve would have been forgiven inmediately after disobeying God´s command ONLY once (and that´s why the Lord Jesus came down to help us).
Jesus showed He was under another person´s will... How do you think GOD will walk and think doing another person´s will: He is God! That´s why He sent the angels who sinned far away from Him, as He did with Adam and Eve, then those were in the Paradise.
I have nothing to say or to prove: You believed what you believe.
Excuse me (and sorry)
bye! bye!
Paul:A real disciple of the Lord Jesus?
Cursing? (or anathematizing?) Whomever did not believe in our LordJesus Christ? (
I would pray that “Paul´s” anathematizing spirit do not followJesus´ followers. Since he (ifhe was a real person) so proudly said something like this:“...
in the name of our LordJesus, ye being gathered together, andmyspirit,with the power of our Lord Jesus, to deliversuch a one untoSatanforthe destruction of the flesh,that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”(
1Co 5:4, 5)
If most of the pastors or Church leaders were delivering sinners andadulterers -that way Paul taught about- many believers (orunbelievers) would be dead, and out of those churches you know “suchthings” are happening.
Our Lord Jesus taught that?
Did Jesus taught to curse a man? (He taught His disciples tocurse only
things, instead. Just to show them
the power offaith: Mat_21:21)
Jesus taught us to bless people (Mat_5:44, Luk 6:28)and His followers blessed, even at the point of dead (Act 7:60 Heknelt down and shouted, "Lord,
don't blame them for whatthey have done." Then he died.).
I wish I had the same Holy Spirit that Stephen had! (Not Paul´s! Bythe way. Because it is a human spirit of a mortal man.)
If you think he was totally inspired by the HS, allow me to insist onthese things his writings showed, as his
emotional background:
a) He delivered sinners unto Satan´s will? (1Co5:4, 5) (
Did heheard Jesus´ or God´s will?)
b) He stubbornly opposed those who were partners (Act_15:39) Lateron, he changed that (Col_4:10, 2Ti_4:11, Phm_1:24)
c) His former religious seal
approved the stoning and the
killing of people (Act_8:1, Act_9:1, Act_22:4) Yet, he didwrong, again (1Co 5:4, 5)
d) He wanted to be followed by Barnabas (Act_15:39) and Apollosfollowed his own heart (1Co_16:12)
not Paul´s.
e) He
“reinforced” his religious authority by tellingseveral believers they were “his”, or that he saw the Lord Jesus(1Co_3:6, 1Co_9:1-2, Gal_2:8, 2Co_12:11) performing miracles(2Co_12:12)
f) He seemed to be jealous of the apostleship the Lord Jesus gave Hischosen ones (2Co_12:11)
g) When he challenged people tostay as “he was” (incelibacy) he also acknowledged those
human rightshe wasn´t making use of, like the rest of the apostles, who wereactually married and getting money from serving the Lord´s people(1Co_9:5)
My bottom line and thought:
Could it be possible that the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus could bewidespread
without the RCC´s teachings?