What is the doctrine of predestination?
The "doctrine of pre-destination" does not exits in a New Testament......because it was created by a heretic.
You were taught it or you read it in a commenatary.
Its the idea of "limited atonement", that insults the Cross of Christ and rejects the Grace of God.
Its a cursed gospel, and the person that teaches it is in trouble...... according to Paul.
Galatians 1:8
Let me teach you how to understand it, so that you can't ever say that someone "never told you the truth".
The born again, are elected by faith.
We are predestined to be conformed into the image of Christ, that God foreknew would happen, because He knew before all are born, who would by faith be elected by their faith..
He does not elect...>He forgives.
See, Faith Elects because God does not predestine you to be forgiven, but he.... according to foreknowledge, knows before we are born, who will be saved or not.
Salvation is a forgiveness and conforming gift. It exists as a 2000 yr old LIVING Redemption, that begins and completes its purpose after the Blood Atonement is applied as a Gift = "Grace through Faith"... and this is how it ITSELF predestines you to be completed.
Faith allows you to have access to the blood atonement that sets in motion what is pre-destined to occur to all who are born again, which is the conforming of us into the image of Christ.
Salvation sets into motion for each born again person.... something that is "predestined" to occur once you are born again.....and that is , to be conformed into the Image of Christ. And God foreknew this will happen to all who are born again. .
Where the confusion comes in is when a bad theology teaches that.....: God Knowing a thing before it happens is the same as God causing it to happen., which is to teach that "foreknowing, is = to cause"....which is the devil's lie that is hyper-calvinism.
Lets look at one thought with an open mind, and not a theological filter that has replaced any ability to even want to see anything at all..
Q.) What is predestined?
A.) That which is conformed.
The verse says...... something is predestined to BE Conformed. So, to BE, means, to become eventually.
Or, its the END RESULT of the conforming, that is the DESTINY, or what is : pre-determined to happen.
So, this is a spiritual SYSTEM. Its a system in place that starts and ends.
Its a process that has a start and has a end.
This is Salvation.
Now, what is that Simply, according to God's "foreknowledge"?
Well, that sounds complex, and if you try to SEE IT using all the biblical nomenclature, then it just becomes a theological BLUR.
So, lets simplify and get rid of the hyper-calvinist confusion.
Very simply.
God knows it all.
He knows the end from the beginning and He knows who will be born again, and who wont.
And so.........= what is pre-determined to happen, to THE born again person as the END of their Salvation?
They are going to be CONFORMED, in the END, (into the Image of Christ).....and this is pre-determined (pre-destined) for each who are born again, and that is the system that God set up as "The gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness".
So, what is pre-determined that God knows will happen (foreknowledge) to every born again person?
They will END UP< "conformed" into the image of Christ".
So REDEMPTION starts with being born again, and it ends up as : "conformed into the image of Christ".
And God does all of this...
Philippians 1:6
And this must happen, because God has predetermined and predestined this to occur to all the born again
They will start as born again and end up as "conformed into the image of Christ".
That is what is "pre-destined".
This is like Spiritual math, that has a perfect solution.
Its an exact spiritual reality that is a process that starts, continues, and has a finalization.
1.) A beginning = Born Again
2. ) A middle = Discipleship and working out your salvation towards becoming on earth....>"the fullness of the Stature of Christ"
3. ) A pre-destined ending.. "Conformed into the Image of Christ"
Some NT words which discuss all this are, born again, elect, predestined, conformed, foreknowledge.
So, dont let all those words be confusion.
"Being Conformed INTO the IMAGE of CHRIST". : This is the "pre-determined" outcome/end result: of becoming born again.
You will END UP conformed, as this is pre-determined" according to the process that God set up as Salvation.
And God knows before you are born, if you are going to be born again as He knows what you are going to do with your Free will.
How can you tell? Its because God knows what you are thinking right now, and what you are to do after you finish reading my Thread.
But He is not causing that....>He just KNOWS IT< because God KNOWS EVERYTHING, at all times., including why you are here, and that you were going to Trust in Jesus.
He didnt cause it,,,,, But God knew you would, just like He knew what you would have to eat today, yet, He didnt cause it.......you chose it.
See that?
That is God knowing all your Choices, but that is not God causing you to Choose.....
And so He also knows that after you are born again, you will be conformed into the image of Jesus, as this is the pre-determine or predestined outcome and spiritual finalization regarding how every born again person ends up.
We start "in Christ" and we end up "conformed into the image of Christ".
See that process?
That is pre-determined, or predestined to OCCUR, to every born again person.
God knows who all these are before they are born = Foreknowledge, because before you are born God knows if you are going to trust Christ,or if you are going to die a Christ rejector.
And that's on you. Because that is what you CHOSE.
And if you chose to believe in Jesus and are born again then you will be conformed into "The image of Christ", as God has predetermined/Pre-Destined this to occur to all born again as the end of their Salvation.
It is in fact, Predestined to happen, because Salvation IS all that, regarding all the born again.
And the Foreknowledge of God knows it, and it should as God created Salvation to work out exactly that way, every single time, regarding all the born again.
If you are born again, then it is pre-determined and predestined that you will eventually be totally conformed, into, "the image of Jesus".
And God knows this before it happens, because HE designed salvation to end up, there.
And.....God knows who it is, per born again person, before they are born, = foreknowledge.
So, all that is pre-destination = AS the eventual conforming INTO the very image of Christ that is what is predetermined to happen to every born again perso