So born again happens before calling and justification?
Lets say all of us meet in a nice room and im preaching.
Some bring a lost friend, or lost family member, or lost neighbor.
You tell me before the service....>"i brought my lost brother"..
So, i know there are unbelievers in the audience before i start.
Im an evangelist who has a teaching anointing, and i'm a minstrel so, i'll sing and play, also.
Ive led worship.....all of it.
We will worship God and give some love to Jesus....
All of this...
We the believers will set the atmosphere so that it gives awe and wonder and reverence to God and Christ and the Cross and the word of God.
Now, because i also know that some are believers, i will teach first, then i will turn the service into an alter call.
I will do this.
I will : "Preach the Cross", as "the Cross is the power of God unto Salvation".
I will talk about the blood of Jesus and sin, and how sin keeps you out of heaven unless its forgiven and resolved by Christ's Cross, Blood, Death, and resurrection.
While im preaching this message of the CROSS..........this happens...= .."Jesus said....>If i be lifted up, i will draw all men to me".
See that?
And i just LIFTED UP THE CROSS and JESUS ON preaching it, ...........
See it?
Now the Holy Spirit is working in the room, in the hearts......>>He is DRAWING, He is opening hearts to the truth that Jesus is SAVIOR and they need HIM.......they need to be SAVED".....
Some will come to this LIGHT and trust Christ in their SEAT........others will come to the alter and WEEP tears of FAITH.
God sees all this in their HEARTS, and He takes that FAITH and He give them His Son's RIGHTEOUSNESS.
"faith is counted as righteousness".....>"Justification BY faith".
They BELIEVE and are born again.
And from that day, they begin their journey to the final destination, which is pre-destined to happen to everyone who BELIEVES..
They will be finally, in the end.....>>"conformed into the image of CHRIST", as that is pre-destined to happen to all who are born again.