A person who has a mental disorder/disability such as depression that effects the thought process of that person will not be held accountable to that standard of confession. Their mindset is not in proper thinking when they suffer in depression, so once again you continue to make life and death decisions on others instead of leaving that to the Lord.
I am not denying confession Jason, but the part I don't agree with you on is the fact that a person has to show proof of that confession. I mean you make it out that the only way this works is; You sin, confess it, then live rightfully from here on out and can't even stumble any more.
That is completely not what the bible teaches, as nowhere does it say after the confession is made they have to prove it by how they live here on out in all cases. For you have cases such as the thief on the cross who lived his life wrongfully all his life, and then confessed his sin at the last minute before he died. Did he get salvation or eternal death ?
He got salvation and that standard still applies today, that if a person repents of the way they lived on their death bed then they will be forgiven. These people would have no chance to prove in their life their repentance was true, which is why the heart comes into play in which only the Lord knows where it sits. Because in those moments only the Lord will know if their heart was truly in that repentance.
Same goes with depression that the persons heart may still be functioning right, but their mind is not, and therefore the Lord will show mercy to them !!!