While true, I don't always refuse the identity. In fact, when I first came into this forum I did select the term Christian, because of not having the ability to identify as Messianic Jewish. But as stepped more into this thread yesterday the differences finally started reaching my nostrils again. As much as I want to come along side our commonality of faith in Jesus it's continually sidelined by all the replacement theology embedded into your beliefs. It's like being a gay man while standing in a group of straight men. They try to identify as a person like all the rest but the culture and learned dogma's expose the division between the two.
I'm a believer, we can identify together on the very basics, and that's cool! But, when the details come out, then the devil gets going it seems. So, in general I can handle being called a Christian by those who are not dogmatically bent. But when Christians like Ed start trying to correlate my identity with their church beliefs I have to distance myself from the identity. I do not hold to the teachings of the church fathers at all. I find them grossly anti-Semitic and devoid of the teachings of the Spirit of God. Yet, even still God can and is working through those within the church to reach them. Grace and mercy is foremost. And even more, some of them did have very good things to say about our faith. But in general it seems the veil was not completely torn, only transferred to others. <<sarcasm
I don't shutter at the label, I shutter at the redefinition's and actions of those who hold the banner. And since I am Jewish with my roots in the good soil of Israel whom the Lord God has formed and intends to prosper dispite our enemies, I whole-heartedly embrace the identity of my fathers. Without pause or reservation. I am fully content in my faith walk with the God of Israel and our Messiah Yeshua.
I'm a believer, we can identify together on the very basics, and that's cool! But, when the details come out, then the devil gets going it seems. So, in general I can handle being called a Christian by those who are not dogmatically bent. But when Christians like Ed start trying to correlate my identity with their church beliefs I have to distance myself from the identity. I do not hold to the teachings of the church fathers at all. I find them grossly anti-Semitic and devoid of the teachings of the Spirit of God. Yet, even still God can and is working through those within the church to reach them. Grace and mercy is foremost. And even more, some of them did have very good things to say about our faith. But in general it seems the veil was not completely torn, only transferred to others. <<sarcasm
I don't shutter at the label, I shutter at the redefinition's and actions of those who hold the banner. And since I am Jewish with my roots in the good soil of Israel whom the Lord God has formed and intends to prosper dispite our enemies, I whole-heartedly embrace the identity of my fathers. Without pause or reservation. I am fully content in my faith walk with the God of Israel and our Messiah Yeshua.
well, if it's any comfort, Christians have a difficult time coming to agreement period. that would be an interesting discussion...but the reasons behind that would find many ultimately too disturbed to deal with it
sometimes those who are the loudest in their objections illustrate that if they viewed their own posts as a stranger, they would also object vividly to those as well. it's scary
each part of a body has a function. is it possible some of the body needs a doctor?
amen with regards to God's creation AND restoration of Israel
all can and should certainly agree with that
I could say so much here with regards to the ways Jews have been treated...such as 'if God loved them all so much, why did he allow the extermination of so many?' this is people looking at events through the filter of their own definition of love and not God's allowance of even those He loves to be killed in such a horrible fashion
much like the suffering of Christians in China and so on. while well fed people here act as if this is the only part of the world that has God's blessing because of material wealth and full stomachs
yet this is what the Lord God states:
10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Deuteronomy 8
all of Deuteronomy is good reading with regards to human nature
I am not American, Christian Americans like to point out this nation was founded on Christian principals
Israel was founded and instructed by God
any similarities?