The purpose of this thread is simply to compile a list of the differences between Christianity and Jehovah Witnesses.
I’ll get us started:
Do JW’s teach that Adam was perfect?
Please be civil.
I’ll get us started:
Do JW’s teach that Adam was perfect?
Please be civil.
Adam and Eve were created perfect for they were made in the image of God, an innocent nature in flesh.
They were made perfect because it would of never entered their mind to eat of the tree unless an outside source tempted them.
So God allowed Satan to tempt Eve and she said they could not eat of the tree for that is all she could know and think.
And then Satan tempted her with an alternate reality by saying they would be as gods having an elevated position from their current status.
And Eve sinned, and then Eve was the outside source that tempted Adam showing him she did not die and nothing bad happened to her, and he sinned.
Then they had a choice.
Which every person is responsible for the own sins, and not another person's sins.
So the sin of Adam and Eve does not come upon people for that is their sin.
But when they ate of the tree they had a choice between good and evil, so all their offspring is born with a choice, so they are born now knowing God and will do wrong before they do right and follow God.
So all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And because we are all sinners we do not get it as good as the garden of Eden, so we get sick, we die, we have natural disasters, and we lack food where God used to provide it.
God warns the saints of the new age movement, and their false interpretation of the Bible based on the occult, and evolution, and people are still evolving to be greater and spiritual provided by the New Age Christ, and Jesus is not Lord and Savior, but a good teacher and love, and the Christ conscience came upon him, and he evolved to be an ascended master and avatar, and believe in no personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, the evolutionary process, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher which they believe the Christ conscience will come upon him and he will evolve to be greater and spiritual above Jesus.
The first lie told in the garden by Satan will be the last lie told by Satan to the new age movement that shall deceive the world.
For the new age movement is of seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.
For the lie Satan told Eve that she will have an elevated position if she ate of the tree is the same lie told to the new age movement that the Bible is really about an elevated position for humans, and is not preaching a personal God, but the power of nature, the God of forces.
For the new age movement gets in contact with their guiding spirit and it is not a good angel, but a devil.
And we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So the devil is influencing the leaders to go by the new age movement, and that interpretation of the Bible, and all religions so the New Age Christ can start working in the world after the nations come together and say Peace and safety.
Which God is allowing it to happen so He can end sin on earth after they follow the beast, and take his mark.
The new age movement believe there are aliens that will help them to have peace on earth, and that many are placed on earth right now to help them in the leadership, and high positions.
And say that Lucifer is a Solar Angel that descended from Venus eons ago to bring the principle of mind to the then animal-man, and will cause them to evolve after the nations come together and work for peace on earth.
They think they are aliens, but they are the fallen angels come to wreck havoc on earth to deceive the wicked to rebel against God, and when they do rebel against God, He will end sin on earth.
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