i'm not getting involved in this, since i do not believe in wars in the name of God.
this is between you and the Lord.
this is between you and the Lord.
Some people pretend really good at professing they know something, when in fact they know next to nothing.
God DECLARED WAR on Evil (Terrorism) back in Genisis. Near as i can tell, its not over yet "A" ???
These same people neglect to understand the differance between a justified Kill, and a pre-meditated Murder; they actually defend the Enemy, though it be in ignorance.
Christianity has ALWAYS been the Reality of whats happening; NOT JUST BELEIF.
Though from my experience, it seems to me that we are often times, used by God to fufill His Will in ignorance, realizing it, after the fact.
Anyway young man; Thank-You again for what you are doing for The Lord, in Protecting the innocent and the helpless
From ALL the Real People to You Keep on Christ'n in the Free World
Neil Shakey Young
My Prayers are with ALL of You's and Thanks Again, from a real Canadian
Forever in Christ