Yesterday (at the first posting of this), I didn't realize the big blue font was actually a link.
After you posted this again (and after my response of yesterday), I went and read the article.
He spent the first half (or a good portion of it) explaining how some people (lots of people

conflate/confuse the "70 Years" prophecy (
in the early parts of Daniel 9)
with that of the "70 Weeks" prophecy starting
later in chapter 9, thus coming to incorrect conclusions regarding it.
I can't say that I found anything terribly "off" about that article, especially in view of what I had placed (briefly) in my response
already (that is, esp how the "69 Wks [TOTAL]"
concluded on the very day Jesus
DID the Zech9:9 thing, and
SAID the Lk19:41-44 thing (
i.e. on Palm Sunday--the TENTH day of the FIRST MONTH, thus fulfilling Exodus 12:2-6, the selection of the lamb/Lamb) [
BOTH re: "the city [/Jerusalem]"--which is what the 2nd prophecy [
the "70 WEEKS" prophecy] in Dan9 is stated to pertain to]).