My own experience is that the minister/pastors that I know are certainly not confused about baptism.
Most that I have encountered are
thoroughly Confused about water baptism,
God Says there is NO water for us,
Today, Under GRACE {See previous post...}
10 denominational "traditions" that
claim they are ALL Correct, eh?:
1) believe AND be baptized
{i.e. immersion to contact their Christ's blood}?
(2) immersion with a
symbolic interpretation?
(3) immersion ONCE in the "name of Jesus?
(4) immersion THRICE in the "name of the Triune Godhead?
(5) immersion {whether once or thrice} for "membership" in
traditional assembly?
(6) sprinkling water on babies
inducting them into
washing away their
original sin?
(7) sprinkling water on babies
inducting them into some
(8) sprinkling water on babies
inducting them into their parent's custody
that they
promise to raise them right? {into Mass
(9) sprinkling water on babies,
admitting that their
ritual is
UNscriptural, but "we do it anyway, because it is OUR
pouring water onto babies or adults for Whatever
traditional reason religion "can come up with"?
(11) Any other
"Traditions"(?) I haven't
heard of yet?
"God is NOT the author of Confusion!" Praise HIS Blessed Name!!