It's not a wonder to me that you have not understood the law of God, because you my dear have never agreed with it. The cup of the new covenant made through the Messiah Yahshua was done on Passover. To this day it is kept by faithful children of Elohim. What I fear for the people of the church is they are becoming drunk on the cup of wrath for judgment on the day of the Lord, (not to be confused with the Lords day the Sabbath as He is Lord of the Sabbath day).
Hi JohnTalmid,
I understand God's law very well
The old has passed away, including the old shadows of observing the passover, now we celebrate, worship and observe the true passover lamb, the offering and the offerer, The lamb and priest - Jesus. And we do that on the day He rose from the dead fulfilling what the and shadows of the Mosaic covenant could only point to. That day is the Lords day.
There is no need to go back under the shadows and types... a far greater has appeared in glorious light.. Jesus.. Not law.
Our Sabbath is now in Christ, our rest although already not yet..So we meet on the Lords day in worship in anticipation of the consummation and the eternal rest (Sabbath).
The church - the people of and in Jesus-- meet every Lords day. Dear John don't put yourself back under the just might be judged under it!!!!