So tell me SeaBass how many "works of believing" each day must a person do to keep his salvation?
Is it one "Works" per day or is it one "Works" per second a person must do to keep his Salvation?
So show me where in the Scriptures does it say how many "Works" we need to do each day to keep our Salvation SeaBass.
I can assure you that nowhere in the Scriptures does God say how many "Works" are needed to acquire or keep our Salvation SeaBass.
When I stand before God i say thank you Lord for saving me and thank you for everything you have done for me. When you SeaBass stand before God you say look at all I have done for my Salvation. Look at all my hard works I have done to keep my Salvation.
Its your PRIDE of receiving your Salvation and keeping your Salvation by your "Works" that allows you to boast before God.
Do you see the difference? I humble myself before God for all He has done for me, while you boast before God in your PRIDE that you did everything for your Salvation!
This is the main difference between a True Christian and a false Christian.
Jn 3:16-----------believing>>>>>>>>>>>>saves
Lk 13:3,5---------repenting>>>>>>>>>>>>saves/not perish
Mt 10:32,33------confession>>>>>>>>>>>saves
Mk 16:16---------baptism>>>>>>>>>>>>saves
Since there is just
one way to be saved, no alternatives, then belief
must include repentance, confession and baptism. Therefore when the bible says "
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" some people assume the verse says "believeth only" instead of correctly understanding that 'believeth" in this verse includes repentance, confession and baptism. Jesus would not/did not contradict Himself by saying one one hand "belief only" saves but then say one the other hand repentance confession and baptism also save.
A Christian's faith includes the good works Christian are required to do, Eph 2:10; Matt 25:31-46. No text gives a specific number of good works a Christian is to do each day but the Christian is to do good works as the opportunity presents itself, Gal 6:10.
How many "Christians" make it into heaven with zero good works? Zero.