Salvation by works is not the will of the Father. Those who refuse to "believe in Him" DOTH NOT the will of the Father regardless of what else they do, as we saw in Matthew 7:22-23.
Mt 21:7 Those that doeth the will of the Father re the ones that enter the kingdom. Those that 'do not' will not enter the kingdom. Very simple.
mailmandan said:
So what else did Jesus "add" to "believes in Him" in John 6:40? I didn't see a list of "additional requirements" mentioned by Jesus that must be accomplished "after" one believes in Him in order to receive eternal life.
As I have posted many, many times before Jesus made
repentance Lk 13:3,5;
confession, Mt 10:32,33 and
baptism, MK 16:16 of equal importance and necessity to salvation as he did believing. For Jesus on one hand to say 'belief only ' saves would contradict all the verses where Jesus made repentance, confession and baptism equally necessary to salvation as belief. I asked in another post can one who believes but no t repent be saved. You said 'no' killing the idea yourself that one can be saved be belief only.
maimandan said:
Not at all because repentance "precedes" believes in Him. Repent - change of mind - new direction of this change of mind - believes in Him. Repentance and faith are inseparable in receiving salvation. Two sides to the same coin. Confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead are not two separate steps to salvation but are chronologically together (Romans 10:9-10). Water baptism FOLLOWS believes in Him/receive the gift of the Holy Spirit/salvation (Acts 10:43-47). No contradiction, just your continued confusion.
A person that does not believe in Christ will never repent then believe in Christ. Jews were told to repent and believe. They were not atheist they believed in God but not in Christ. They had to first repent of their hard hearts they had against Christ where they could then come to believe in Christ, realize they are lost in their sins repent of those sin. confess Christ and be baptized for remission of their sins.
That aside, it is amazing how you can read a verse that says "repent
and believe" and understand that both repentance and belief are necessary yet you can read a verse that says "believeth
and is baptized" yet think on needs to believe only to be baptism, no repentance but believe only to be saved.
mailmandan said:
You seem determined to label belief as just another work in a series of works so that you can somehow justify teaching that salvation is by works. Jesus was simply answering a question from verse 28. This is the work of God/what God requires, that you BELIEVE IN HIM. Jesus did all the work that merits our salvation. We can add nothing to what Jesus did. His finished work of redemption is sufficient and complete to save. Believe and receive. No supplements needed.
Belief is a work, it is a form of obedience and it is a dead belief without works as the devils have.
Jesus said one must believe repent confess and submit to baptism to be saved. All are works that must come before one is saved meaning if one did not have to do the works of believing repenting confessing and submitting to baptism for remission of sins then you are arguing the unbeliever that is impenitent that denies Christ and has not had his sins forgiven can be saved while in that state of unbelief, impenitence, denial of Christ with unforgiven sins.
This is the ongoing problem faith only advocates face in trying to find a way to make one a believer, repentant, a confessor of Christ who has had his sins cleansed away
WITHOUT that person having to do the works of believing, repenting, confessing and submitting to baptism.