I don't see anyone yet, straight up defending salvation by works. A couple of leaning perhaps, but none actually teaching it. With all the hoopla about it on these boards, I was expecting some real staunch defense of the same. Let's wait a little longer and see.
Salvation is by works. By works alone? No, by obedient works and grace.
James ----- by works a man>>>>>> is justified, James 2:24
Paul--------obeyed from heart>>>>>then freed from sin/justified, Rom 10:17,18
James and Paul could not have been more clear or more plain spoken in saying that obedient works justify/free from sin.
---You are saved by doing the righteousness
of God and
not doing
your own righteousness, Rom 10:3. The faith only advocates will generally not makes this distinction between doing God's righteousness and doing your own righteousness.
---Obedient works are meeting a condition on God's free gift and do not, cannot earn God's free gift of grace. Again, faith only advocates will claim any work is an attempt to earn God's grace. Naaman did not earn God's grace by dipping 7 times in the river, yet God's grace required that work. Noah did not earn the salvation of his house by building the ark, yet God's grace required that work. Abraham did not earn God's grace by offering Isaac, yet God's grace required it.
---the false claim is sometimes made if one does works he has something to boast about. No one who obeys God's will has anything to boast about...." Lk 17:10 So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.
One is just doing what is his duty when he obeys God, yet his obedience is not perfect leaving him an unprofitable servant in need of grace. Noah had nothing to boast about in building the ark nor Abraham in offering Isaac.
--the "not of works" of Eph 2:9 refers to works of merit, not all works for in verse 10 those that are Christians must do good works. "Not of works" cannot eliminate those good works Christian are to do nor does it eliminate obedience to God. "Not of works" did not eliminate the necessity of works required by God to Naaman, Noah or Abraham and none earned God's grace by their obedient works.
--the "not of works" of Eph 2:9 refers to works of merit, not all works for in verse 10 those that are Christians must do good works. "Not of works" cannot eliminate those good works Christian are to do nor does it eliminate obedience to God. "Not of works" did not eliminate the necessity of works required by God to Naaman, Noah or Abraham and none earned God's grace by their obedient works.
--the fact
faith is a work, 1 Thess 1:3, Mk 2:1-5 is generally denied by faith only advocates.