The "oldest and best claim" is but a claim by a man with questionable motives, Tischendorf. It's been repeated by those who publish the versions based on the Sinaiticus. You are welcome to use those and take a pair of scissors to that page in Mark, but I don't buy his story. The pages were reported by witnesses as " snow white vellum." That's surprising considering oxidation over the period of time that Tischendorf claimed. One of the times Tischendorf took them, the ones he had came back yellowed as if painted with tea.
One of the oldest Bibles in my library was in the best condition. It was the Living Bible.
I say was, because it was not worth my time reading and was just taking up space. Right now, I'm going through my previous KJV and transferring the special answers to prayer and notations that the Holy Spirit led me to or brought to remembrance. For instance, I prayed for a wife and children who would grow to love the Lord and praise Him in songs with me. Right afterwards, I opened my KJV Bible exactly to Ecclesiastes 9:9 and He brought my eyes to the phrase, "Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest."
I don't know who she is yet, but I accept that as a direct answer from the Lord. As much as my former pastor, who had good intentions, and all of the commentators did what they could to shake my faith, I continue to trust God's Word in my English translation.
I'm transferring those answers to prayer to the margins of my latest Bible because the other one, previously newest, is worn out.