Oops! Looks like I went with the wrong thought! TV - Walking Dead. The only show on mainstream TV I know of that had a preacher who read his Bible, on the show, and it led and guided the whole group. Since he and one daughter died, the other daughter is having a crisis of faith. But not portrayed negatively. Now some kind of preacher with a collar who is not a good Christian, but is struggling with God to become one. Despite the zombies, there is an amazing development of character, and also of the conflict between values under God and under the new status quo. I do hate the Zombies, but the show could stand on its own without them.
Do you still play the violin, Melita? My oldest son (33) played from age 4 to 14. He was incredible and his teacher said he had the potential to become a concert violinist. He hardly practiced, because of sports, although his teacher said he accomplished more in 10 minutes of practicing than the rest of his students did in 90 minutes! He finally quit because he went into Junior A hockey at age 15, then the WHL, then University hockey.
I wonder how different his life had been if he had chosen violin instead of hockey. Mind you, his hockey scholarship put him through university, and he now runs a skate company!
Do you still play the violin, Melita? My oldest son (33) played from age 4 to 14. He was incredible and his teacher said he had the potential to become a concert violinist. He hardly practiced, because of sports, although his teacher said he accomplished more in 10 minutes of practicing than the rest of his students did in 90 minutes! He finally quit because he went into Junior A hockey at age 15, then the WHL, then University hockey.
I wonder how different his life had been if he had chosen violin instead of hockey. Mind you, his hockey scholarship put him through university, and he now runs a skate company!