If I may say, we have some really wonderful married regulars in Singles who give us a lot of encouragement and advice, and we appreciate them very much.
I personally like it when married people "tell it like it is''--that married life isn't all candles and romance, but is a lot of hard work, because as a single, my head sometimes gets caught in the clouds. I appreciate the married people who keep me down-to-earth about how marriage involves a lot of work--and grace.
The only time we've had any real problems are when a few married people tried to tell us that there was something wrong with us for being single, or that we should all somehow be exactly like them (and not acknowledging that we are all called to different things) or do what they did in order to be married like them.
But married folks with positive, loving fellowship (and a good sense of humor!

) are always welcome.
Please feel free to stop by.
We have a lot of threads that are just for fun, and it's always more fun (and more interesting) when other cool people--both single and married--join in.
Hope to see you soon!