Rip Van Winkle only slept for twenty years
All kidding aside, hey! My average sleep for well over the past decade was about five hours of sleep a night also
So going from that to suddenly needing about 12 hours a day was quite a drastic change for me, with an increased me sleep needs by well over 100%
People used to tell me five hours was not enough, and yet I functioned normally regardless... well, normal for me. Hee hee, what is normal anyways? I was working then, too, but did not have the responsibilities you do with raising children, and teenagers at that. I rarely napped then, as the only day I could was often Sunday, and napping Sunday afternoon would totally wreck my ability to get a good sleep Sunday night, so I mostly would not. I did find, however, that I could easily fall asleep on my chesterfield, laying on my back, which was odd because I do not normally sleep on my back at all. Have you ever tried drinking chamomile tea before bed, or valerian root tea? Or taking melatonin? Melatonin needs to be moderated (not taken over long periods of time) and you have to be careful with valerian root also, but there are natural herbal remedies that could help your sleep issues... Getting an uninterrupted eight hour spell of sleep is terribly rare for me also, given that I wake up multiple times throughout the night, often after each sleep cycle, which means every ninety minutes or so. I used to have a terrible time getting to sleep, and/or going back to sleep after awaking in the middle of the night, but that has not been a problem for a few years now. Back then I would bathe before bed and also in the middle of the night when I awoke, because if I did not have a bath, even at three in the morning, chances were I would be laying there for an hour or more before falling back to sleep. A bath is much faster than that, and I would be back in bed and asleep again in less than 30 minutes.
Well, what can I say?
I DEFINITELY would have lost a bet regarding how many years Rip Van Winkle slept, but, upon examination, you are correct, he only slept 20 years. I've been joking about taking a 40 year nap for years.
Who knew?
Not me,
I have had some chamomile tea in the past, but the last time was many years ago. With the exceptions of decaf espresso and hot chocolate (I only have a sip or two of the latter because I've basically cut all caffeine out of my life, and I start feeling the urge to climb up buildings after more than two sips), I really don't like hot liquids...even though I'm often in hot water
I did try melanin ONCE, approximately two years ago, and, even then, I deliberately only took 1/2 of the prescribed amount. Although I'm not a health nut (while still being nuts in, I really don't put any sort of "drugs" in my body. When I took the melanin, it really freaked my body out because, again, I never really put anything like that in my body. I have put my own foot in my mouth several times (including, but I'm normally pretty careful about what I ingest.
A hot bath would be WONDERFUL (that used to be my primary place of prayer for years), but I only have a shower where I'm presently living, so that's out. I've literally tossed the idea around in my head (a lot of empty space lately of getting a hotel room just to be able to relax and pray in a hot tub. However, I can't remember where I put my life vest and rubber duckie (lol), so I've put that idea on hold for a bit (don't mind me...I'm just an
Anyhow....I was pretty exhausted at the wake that I attended a couple of days ago. Good thing that I didn't fall asleep there or someone might have thrown me in a casket and buried me
Alrighty then. I sometimes revert to idiocy when I'm tired, so I'd better get out of here before saying something stupid that I'll regret later.
I did just awake from about a 10 minute nap. Not much, but I feel a little better.