@Dino246 , do you speak in tongues? When did this occur and when did you find out that you could use it at will? Has your use of tongues led to any changes in your life or the lives of others, that you know of? Have you ministered to people in tongues and interpreted the message, or had an interpreter do so? In what ways has tongues edified your life, and the Church?
This may be like throwing pearls before swine, so answer at your own discretion. I am just wondering in what ways the Lord is working through you onto His glory.
This may be like throwing pearls before swine, so answer at your own discretion. I am just wondering in what ways the Lord is working through you onto His glory.
The human reasoning for speaking or even finding anything one thinks is beneficial to satisfy one who is the skeptic ( not speaking of you) is not really the point. Speak in tongues is Biblical and for today. a Christian does not have to provide any proof other then what we saw in scriptures
1ocr 14:
1. Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. 2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries. 3 But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. 4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
Just in these verses, we are to desire spiritual gifts and those who like it or not tongues is one of the gifts :
why speak in tongues?
1. it is a gift from God to be desired. You don't want it fine.
2. He who speaks in tongues does not speak to man but to God. That alone is a good thing if nothing else. " I choose to speak in my native language and God hears me just the same." True But the word of God also says we do not know how to pray as we should so the Spirit prays through us Rom 8:26.
3. he who speaks in tongues edifies himself.
The word of God is not against speaking in tongues but many Christians are. Why? I'm sure there are many reasons. foolishness, immaturity, and pride.
I speak in tongues every day. I have studied the history of the gifts of the Holy Spirit from 70-90AD and from 100AD to 1901 and from 1901 today.
many who attack the gifts many tongues also attack healing today. those who attack tongues will not address the word of God on the topic they pull from pagan and cultic practice to discredit the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yet the oxymoron is how does a Christian who is saved seek the empowering and gifting of the Holy Spirit get a devil or demon? many people who have the empowerment baptism of the Holy Spirit never heard of cultic or pagan tongues speaking.
And some would have you believe that IF you get saved never heard of tongues as a Cultic practice and sought God for the Gift YOU got from the devil a pagan cultic gift while seeking God. THAT is Stupid, unbiblical and frankly giving more power to the devil than God.
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