You really aren't paying attention. For the umpteenth time, nobody (that I'm aware of) is claiming that present-day prophecy is additions to Scripture. So kindly stop asserting that is what people are claiming.
There are prophecies spoken of (by Saul and Philip's daughters) which are not recorded in Scripture, proving that not all prophecy is Scripture. The comments about faulty prophecy are completely irrelevant.
There are prophecies spoken of (by Saul and Philip's daughters) which are not recorded in Scripture, proving that not all prophecy is Scripture. The comments about faulty prophecy are completely irrelevant.
If you open the door to new prophecy you will have some that will assert it is new revelation and should be included in scripture. Remember those Gnostic gospels?
Prophecy is another sign gift that has ended. Scripture stands on it's own authority and impressed upon our hearts by the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us at the moment we are saved.
For the cause of Christ
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