The real question is: What is this "anointing?" Paul wasn't as polished as some of those he referred to as "super-apostles"; but is there any doubt his preaching was anointed? Kenneth Copeland preaches extemporaneously. Are we to believe he's anointed? I've listened to many rock musicians say they become "possessed" onstage. I can hear it already: These are Satan's counterfeits. Well, that goes both ways. How do we know an "anointed" preacher is anointed by the Holy Spirit and not a stream of consciousness conjured from their own mind?
How about something that can't be produced by human effort: Fruit of the Spirit, sound Biblical exegesis, and the like.
How about something that can't be produced by human effort: Fruit of the Spirit, sound Biblical exegesis, and the like.
He started out in ministry many years ago as a mighty man of God and did a glorious work in Africa [which they still remember him for] But the anointing has been absent in his ministry now for many a long year ... but he goes on, in his own power and strength.
There are a great many American ministers like that, once mighty in God but now scarcely a shadow of what they once were.
If you were a godly man, you would tremble for such men, you would fear that such things are so in the kingdom. You would tread softly knowing that YOU also are frail and may fall from grace.
It's easy to criticise, but these men have been on the front line and many have gotten injured by the enemy of souls.
God does not completely forsake them, if they keep their testimony God will tokenly bless them.
Before I spoke about instances of ministering a gift of tongues or interpretation etc and the need for waiting for God's anointing, if you do not have the anointing it is useless to try to explain it, it is simply the coming upon of the Holy Spirit.
But Kenneth Copeland and others are examples of ministries which start out under the anointing but at some point go off in their own power.
I've explained to you before [but you have no understanding] that the cause of their failure is BAD THEOLOGY.
All these things happen in ALL evangelical churches and denominations ... but when the ministry is miraculous it sticks out like a sore thumb. It is instantly seen. The miracles stop happening. It all soon descends into noise and ballyhoo.
I personally witnessed an American preacher who came over in the 70s with a mighty ministry of healing and deliverance, it was heaven on earth for 2 weeks. But when he came over just 1 year later it was all gone.
People like you sneer and criticise ... you have no idea how much trouble you are in. If you were wise you would pray for them.
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