The early elders created the creeds because books were very rare and expensive. The creeds were created to state what a person MUST believe to be a Christian. That along with selected memorized verses is how evangelism was done. The required beliefs with verses backing it up. For your edification here is a list of creeds and how they were created.
Here is a list of the ancient creeds with date and short explanation.
Roman Creeds 120 Part of the earliest attempts that resulted in the Apostles Creed. First attempt was only 1 sentence. The last was almost the Apostles Creed. They grew by stages into the Apostles Creed.
Apostles' Creed 120-250 Product of the Roman Christians around A.D.180.
Creed of Nicaea 325 Ecumenical Church Product of the first ecumenical council in Nicaea which tried to solve the Arian controversy.
Nicene Creed (Nicaea-Constantinopolitan Creed) 381 Ecumenical Church Expansion and revision of the 325 Creed of Nicaea (includes new section on Holy Spirit). It is the most widely accepted Christian creed.
Chalcedonian Creed 451 Council of Chalcedon Nearly all Christian denominations (except Oriental Orthodoxy, the Assyrian Church of the East, and much of Restorationism)
Athanasian Creed 500 Western Christian denominations Lat.: Quicumque vult The origin of this creed is uncertain, but it is widely used in various Christian denominations.
Here is a list of the ancient creeds with date and short explanation.
Roman Creeds 120 Part of the earliest attempts that resulted in the Apostles Creed. First attempt was only 1 sentence. The last was almost the Apostles Creed. They grew by stages into the Apostles Creed.
Apostles' Creed 120-250 Product of the Roman Christians around A.D.180.
Creed of Nicaea 325 Ecumenical Church Product of the first ecumenical council in Nicaea which tried to solve the Arian controversy.
Nicene Creed (Nicaea-Constantinopolitan Creed) 381 Ecumenical Church Expansion and revision of the 325 Creed of Nicaea (includes new section on Holy Spirit). It is the most widely accepted Christian creed.
Chalcedonian Creed 451 Council of Chalcedon Nearly all Christian denominations (except Oriental Orthodoxy, the Assyrian Church of the East, and much of Restorationism)
Athanasian Creed 500 Western Christian denominations Lat.: Quicumque vult The origin of this creed is uncertain, but it is widely used in various Christian denominations.
In fact, the Lord did not say repeat after me, he said when you pray, pray like this; "Our Father..." It was a lesson how to pray not what to say.
Most people don't know how to pray any more and need to be taught. How to pray not what to say.
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