That has already happened. He has already cursed us. Knowing the end from the beginning when he set creation into motion he set the solar system with the moon in a special relationship to earth that causes eclipses to signify his condemnation. In history when an eclipse crossed from border to border that nation ceased to be as great as it was. The US was crossed by an eclipse from east to west. In 2024 there will be an eclipse from northeast to southwest crossing 7 cities named Salem. Those eclipses will make an X on the US. Double condemnation!! This country was started from a Christian set of colonies founded on Christian values by Christians having the freedom to worship God in the gospel preaching denomination of their choosing. The early settlers came here to get religious freedom. The pilgrims, quakers, and other groups of Christians. Today the country is almost all secular. Thus the condemnation God.
Really? God doesn't "curse" us, God is ONLY good, He doesn't "get angry" and lash out. What He does do is tell us what the result of OUR wicked actions will be if we turn from His ways and commandments for our own desires. I do agree He tells us the end from the beginning, but I also read He is at the right hand given the Name above all names, that ALL authority in heaven and on earth is His, and He is King right now ruling until everything is under His feet, and we are then means by which this takes place. We are kingdom builders by His power, for His glory. We are called to proclaim the ONLY truth, the very truth of existence that changes people’s hearts/families/communities/states/countries/EVERYTHING. This power has been demonstrated in the world for 2,000 years undeniably bringing good into this world, and we need to proclaim it more. We openly admit to all the horror done in the name of Jesus (as we should BTW, the truth is always of the upmost importance), but rarely come back with the world changing radical ideas He brought into the world that all stem directly back to Gods revelation. Love your enemy? That is not "logical" to a man in the flesh. That is not a teaching monkeys would naturally evolve to. Jesus gospel still has the same power today as it did then because it is truth and we have to stand on it as such, unashamed and with all patients and love, but in solid unwavering truth.
My point is only this, you are making God seem like us, like a human father fed up with dealing with his kids disobedience with anger. Not true, yes we are all born under the wrath of a just God, we are born spiritually dead, spiritually disconnected from God in the flesh, in sin. The message I get from what you’re saying seems like “we need to hunker down and get ready for evil to take over, it’s coming and there is nothing we can do to stop it.”(and that may be so far from how you really feel, but this is what I gathered from this comment), and I think this kind of thinking is flawed. I do not think evil will conquer the truth, or can ever overcome His work, again like the leaven in the 3 measures and the mustard seed, Gods Kingdom will stand forever, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We are called to proclaim His victory, not His defeat on earth first. I trust the power of God and have been blessed to see it manifest right in front of my face and I must testify of it. Since the day He lead me to see things this way, it has ignited a fire inside me like never before to proclaim Jesus. I just wanted to share my point of view on the matter. Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving, all in His glorious name!!!Amen.
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