My ability to go into their power points, take on their beliefs, and see the error gives me a huge advantage over them.
Because in all these years of debating them, i have NEVER SEEN THEM DO THE SAME THING.
( BTW, i can actually present their doctrine better than they can.
Because in all these years of debating them, i have NEVER SEEN THEM DO THE SAME THING.
( BTW, i can actually present their doctrine better than they can.
Pretrib rapture theory has no evidence in Scripture. There aren't any verses showing Jesus taking raptured believers to heaven, which is the foundation of that theory.
That is how i know they have no verses.
I have swam in their pool as many hours as they have..
They do not have a single verse.
They do not have a single verse.
For you to make this claim, you have to reject the verses that DO show there is just one resurrection for believers, and ALL believers will be resurrected at the same time and it is called the FIRST resurrection. And both 2 Thess 2:1 and Rev 20:5 place that single resurrection at the end of the Trib when Jesus Christ returns.
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