Hi NewStarChoice,
Thank you for entering in. You had some good things to say, however I do not believe the Body of Christ will be on the earth at Rev. 10: 7.
You will see that the little book and the `angel` are shown in Daniel 12.
They relate to Israel - Dan. 12: 1, `your people,` relating to Daniel and the time of great trouble.
And Rev. 10: 6 shows that the fulfillment of that is about to happen.
The Body of Christ, however has previously been caught away to rule with the Lord n His own throne, (Rev. 3: 21) where they will judge the world system and fallen angels. (1 Cor. 6: 2 & 3) And that is before the beginning of the trib.
Thank you for entering in. You had some good things to say, however I do not believe the Body of Christ will be on the earth at Rev. 10: 7.
You will see that the little book and the `angel` are shown in Daniel 12.
They relate to Israel - Dan. 12: 1, `your people,` relating to Daniel and the time of great trouble.
And Rev. 10: 6 shows that the fulfillment of that is about to happen.
The Body of Christ, however has previously been caught away to rule with the Lord n His own throne, (Rev. 3: 21) where they will judge the world system and fallen angels. (1 Cor. 6: 2 & 3) And that is before the beginning of the trib.
It will be a time when each individual will then have to make a decision to be saved or else default to not being raptured where they will remain behind, to face the tribulation of the Anti-Christ who will seek to rule the Earth to make all worship and obey him. If those on Earth die for Jesus in the tribulation, they will save their lives. If they bow down to the Anti-Christ they will be punished by the seven vials poured upon the earth. That final judgement is their last chance to ask Jesus for forgiveness to receive mercy and salvation. Ultimately if they are so anti-Christ and continue to curse God and continue to reject his salvation they will be put out of their misery in the second death.
Therefore creation is given three chances to be saved from death and the curse started by Lucifer - we choose the first which is to be raptured, some, the second which survive the testing in the tribulation period, and finally those at the third that seek mercy from their fate during the pouring of the seven vials.
The angel (or messenger) in Revelation 10:6 might be the person who is able to reveal what the End Time Message is, and is the one who cried out with a loud voice that caused the seven thunders to utter their voices. The message uttered that John was about to write down but, God said do not, was because it was not the message of truth. The truth is Jesus is Almighty God Saviour, and no man or angel can enter into the Kingdom of God without him.
We will enter the days of Revelation 10:7 when the mystery of God is known, when the world prepares for the Second Coming of Christ in a manner not seen before.
The little book in Revelation 10 was the Bible that contains the words of God. The book referred to in Daniel 12:1 is the Book of Life. In Daniel 12:4 it is either the book of Daniel or the Bible. I think it refers to the prophecies in the Bible that are sealed till the Last Days.
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