I realize this response comes late but have been very busy.
You keep saying that there is no mention of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture in Revelation. However, we have it implied in the following:
Rev_3:10 Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
1) I will keep thee from the hour of trial - "KEEP", in the Greek, means to "withhold from" or "protect". This could be construed as meaning to "keep one safe in the midst of" but it is followed by the Greek preposition "ek", which means "out of" or "out from"
2) Which is to come - proves the "trial" is still future.
3) Upon the whole world - Shows the extent of this trial. No local trials can be thought of as filling this statement. The use of such prophetic language as: "upon the whole world", can only mean the "Great Tribulation" time period because it is to "try them that dwell on the Earth.
It should be noted here, that in the first part of this verse, it states: "Because thou didst keep the word of my patience..." The word "because" takes us back to what was previously said and the words "did keep", are not in the present tense, they are in the past tense. So the Lord speaks as if their faithfulness was a "done deal". Therefore, He wants them to see that his promise is also a done deal and fully reliable, while it's completion is yet future.
In conclusion, this verse proves that a group of saved people (The True Assembly), are being contrasted with those that "dwell on the earth" Additionally, this contrast is between those who will be "kept from" the hour of trial and those who will not. The purpose of this "hour of trial", is to test those who still dwell on the earth. There is no reason to believe that the Assembly, which Christ is building, will go through this "hour of trial", when none of it's former members, who are a part of the assembly, ever had such a trial. Why would the Lord, try the later Saints, in this manner? God is pouring out His Wrath upon the World. He has appointed 144,000 to be His witness during the Tribulation days. Why does the Assembly need to be present and if it is, then why the 144,000? Also, why is the focus so heavily upon Israel?
You keep saying that there is no mention of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture in Revelation. However, we have it implied in the following:
Rev_3:10 Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
1) I will keep thee from the hour of trial - "KEEP", in the Greek, means to "withhold from" or "protect". This could be construed as meaning to "keep one safe in the midst of" but it is followed by the Greek preposition "ek", which means "out of" or "out from"
2) Which is to come - proves the "trial" is still future.
3) Upon the whole world - Shows the extent of this trial. No local trials can be thought of as filling this statement. The use of such prophetic language as: "upon the whole world", can only mean the "Great Tribulation" time period because it is to "try them that dwell on the Earth.
It should be noted here, that in the first part of this verse, it states: "Because thou didst keep the word of my patience..." The word "because" takes us back to what was previously said and the words "did keep", are not in the present tense, they are in the past tense. So the Lord speaks as if their faithfulness was a "done deal". Therefore, He wants them to see that his promise is also a done deal and fully reliable, while it's completion is yet future.
In conclusion, this verse proves that a group of saved people (The True Assembly), are being contrasted with those that "dwell on the earth" Additionally, this contrast is between those who will be "kept from" the hour of trial and those who will not. The purpose of this "hour of trial", is to test those who still dwell on the earth. There is no reason to believe that the Assembly, which Christ is building, will go through this "hour of trial", when none of it's former members, who are a part of the assembly, ever had such a trial. Why would the Lord, try the later Saints, in this manner? God is pouring out His Wrath upon the World. He has appointed 144,000 to be His witness during the Tribulation days. Why does the Assembly need to be present and if it is, then why the 144,000? Also, why is the focus so heavily upon Israel?
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