[pre-tribber here

I've mentioned in other past posts of mine:
Luke 21:36 is
not a "rapture" verse, but a tribulation period verse;
the word
"escape" here could legit be translated "[
actively] FLEE OUT OF" (same word, used in the negative [
they shall '
not flee out of'],
in 1Thess 5:3, speaking of the
same future tribulation period [that is,
FOLLOWING "our Rapture"], but here speaking of the ones to whom "God SHALL SEND
to them great delusion SO THAT
they should believe
the LIE / the FALSE / the PSEUDEI" which will exist during those trib years;
...but He'll not be sending it to 100% of the ppl who will be existing on the earth at that time--some ppl will be coming to faith in Christ following "our Rapture," by contrast... and
Lk21:36, the ppl following that particular "instruction" there [by faith], refers to those folks, and they will be enabled to "[
actively] FLEE OUT OF each and every one of those things coming on the earth [
during the trib yrs], and TO STAND BEFORE [
in a judicial sense]
the SON OF MAN [i.e. His
earthly Millennial Kingdom designation]).
Bottom line,
Luke 21:36 is not speaking of "our Rapture [IN THE AIR]" at all.