Umm...because I'm pretty sure that he is the Word.
Bearing in mind all the faith/sight/human limitations that I have and all the junk the enemy shrouds the world in
still Jesus being the Word bears up under intense scrutiny. There are still things that I'm not 100% convinced of but I don't want to be coerced and in my experience he doesn't do that.
Also the Word is mentioned many times in the OT and once a specific personhood is revealed (from what I see) and since he is there in the OT and John 1:1-4(?) says the same, I am inclined to believe that it must be true just because how would that speak to me so deeply?
I'm not saying I'm part Jewish or anything, but I'm pretty convinced even in my fleshly mind from the OT. I know Jesus said the scriptures testify of him but few in America start with the OT and then move to the new. It's almost always the reverse. The more I find him in what I feel more connected to, the more I believe in what is written in the NT. Hard to "essplain" but there you go.
insert Spanish accent)
Why? Idk. I think he made me to be that way and he wrote the story and I get to be conscious and live it out and be a part of this adventure?
A way I've understood it is we are peculiar (from the verse) and set apart. We just do. Nothing we can really do about it in our inmost being because we are born again. Which should be comforting but also umm a bit uncomfortable...ah but we also have the comforter to smooth that over