Ebeth, not to pick on you, but you did say "do not believe that we are utterly unable to keep the 10 commandments". Then, when I questioned you on whether or not you've stopped sinning, period, you said "no, I haven't even interacted with anyone..."
Now, you say, "Okay, maybe I don't love my enemies but I pray for patience, I never said I was perfect, but what I'm trying to say is that with the Holy Spirit inside you it is much easier not to hate or lustor covet and keep from lying."
I'm sorry, but these are two totally different statements.
Now, you say, "Okay, maybe I don't love my enemies but I pray for patience, I never said I was perfect, but what I'm trying to say is that with the Holy Spirit inside you it is much easier not to hate or lustor covet and keep from lying."
I'm sorry, but these are two totally different statements.
I haven't sinned knowingly, I haven't lied since I got saved, I was never a coveter, and since I got saved I stay in Christ and abide in Him and have repented on a daily basis in the Lord's prayer of any sin I do not know about, I have no sinful habits like you. being perfect and not sinning ARE two different things, like I answered you before It is not a sin not to love your enemies as long as I have forgiven them and do not hate them. I've been chastised in the past but it's been a long time I have a really close relationship with God and am in perfect peace with Him, if I were in sin it wouldn't be so. I've put up with your snotty accusatory comments and you don't even realize you are acting just like the pharisees who tried to catch Jesus in a lie or contradiction. Satan is the accuser of the brethren and I don't need you too especially when I clearly answered you honestly. nobody is perfect even if they are not struggling with sin in their lives. I'm not hiding anything, I have God with me and inquire of Him all the time. The closer you are to Him, the further He keeps you from sin. Rely on the Holy Spirit and stop trying with your own efforts and maybe you will succeed, but you have displayed the behavior of spomeone who has no fruit, just a scoffer of "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" "my yoke is easy my burden is light"
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