Conviction of the holy spirit is a poweful and more poweful than you.. i say if you sin after conviction your not walking right and your ignoring and you are possesed.
My friend I have a more gracious spirit in this.
People are so confused and lost often you have to spend time listening to their life
language and what these different ideas mean to them.
A person can live as if they know the Lord but it is a way of getting attention.
Another can rebel and kick out at the world because they hate and are bitter at
how things have gone in their lives and the beauty of life they thought was awaiting
them has defiled and destroyed their dreams, and so they kick out in anger.
So much trauma dwells in many that sin is driven by these hurts and damage.
So to rush to judgement, to diagnosis is always dangerous.
It can take months, sometimes years to find what the balance of issues are, so deeply
buried these things can be, and how superficial people talk about them.
Imagine a person is 20 layers of emotional history. A bomb went off early in their life
and damaged the lowest 5 layers. They live and exist only in the top 5 layers of so,
but the damage works it way through, but they do not even see or acknowledge the
damage done fundamentally in who they are. It makes things very confusing, and
how we interact can get wrongly diagnosed and reacted to.
You will see this in cc every day. You will see it in how people speak, their humour,
their abuse, their joys and their sadnesses, their hard hearts, their openness or their
closed off feelings.
What is my heart is to find ways to speak to this damage, and talk of Christs healing
hands, the work of love and building that makes it all new, clean, pure and resolved.
That is the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit.