HI, sister Elin, I am tempted to "forget it" LOL; But I will try again, it is good for me to learn patience and endurance, since God tells us to imitate Abraham ,who by faith and patience inherited the promise. It is good for others to see two mature Christians "battle" out their differences in love. You teach that justification starts in Rom.1:16 or 17 and there is nothing of sanctification in chps 1&2. This is a common error of most all teachers, so you have lots of company in you error. I am trying to get the church to see the apostasy of their doctrine of salvation today. I see sanctification, the new birth, starting 1:5-6. "Through Him (Jesus) we (apostles) have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith (Christianity) among all nations for His name, among whom, you also are the called (born again) of Jesus Christ; To all who are in Rome. beloved of God, called (born again)to be saints:..." I'm not sure if you believe the Bible's teaching of "effectual calling": I do. 1 Cor. 1 is full of effectual calling. I just counted 6 times the words, called, calling, are used as meaning an "effectual" call to salvation, equivalent to the new birth. For those who want to learn, I will continue. To what are sinners "called" to? We are called to be "saints", holy persons who obey God. Now, in 1:16, the gospel is the POWER of God to one who believes. This Greek word for power, gives us our Eng. word ,dynamite, the ability to do work. This is ample proof to show that ch1 of Romans is talking of the new birth, in which, God's power creates in us the righteous new heart that is the bases of all our good works and our holy living in the holiness of God. this is the base on which God can call us to "be holy as I am holy", God is relying on our new nature, heart, to obey Him. And we naturally obey because we are new creatures in Christ. Now, the Gentile in 2:13-14 would "naturally" "instinctively" do the law of God, only if they are born again. And ch.2:29 ends with the new birth, Jew. Therefore, we must conclude , chaps. 1&2 are taking about sanctification/ the new birth. May God bless, Hoffco