I have also seen a terrible thing here. Taking the words of Paul and making them say that by the Spirit we now are empowered to obey Mosaic Law better? This also is from Satan. Paul never said anything like that. The Mosaic Law was added, because of transgressions , to show how exceedingly sinful all mankind is, that we do not obey the Law according to God's standard. Not while we were unsaved and not after we are saved. The Law condemns, it can not save, it can not add to righteousness. It was never intended to. Jesus Christ is God Himself and He came because in Adam all men fell and sinned. That means all. There is not any time at all in anyone's life, including the Christian life where the Work of Jesus Christ is not central and critical. I don't care how moral you think you are, or how much you think you obey God's Law. The Law was ADDED to SHOW unrighteousness. And to lead to the ONLY other way. Jesus Christ on the Cross. What God expects from us is gratitude and love! Will you break any of Moses`Laws if you love God for giving Jesus.
When Jesus said if you love me you will keep mu commandments He meant keep and guard and hold dear and treasure and listen and obey and pass on to future generations. He did not sy to to the woman caught in adultery, If you go and sin no more I will not condemn you. He said, neither do I condemn you. Now go, and sin no more. Is this not the Christian life, and do we not STILL fall short. Please tell me if you do not.
When Jesus said if you love me you will keep mu commandments He meant keep and guard and hold dear and treasure and listen and obey and pass on to future generations. He did not sy to to the woman caught in adultery, If you go and sin no more I will not condemn you. He said, neither do I condemn you. Now go, and sin no more. Is this not the Christian life, and do we not STILL fall short. Please tell me if you do not.
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