Because he is committed to false doctrine. Calvinists -- regardless of their faulty theology -- are also children of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore they will have the inner witness of the Holy Spirit that they are children of God (if indeed they have been saved). They do not have to wait for any length of time to know this. And all genuine Christians will have the same inner witness, as the Bible clearly states.
At the same time, the Bible makes it crystal clear that we are saved "unto good works". Which means that if good works (some of the fruits of the Spirit) are absent, that person is not really saved. And that is exactly what James was talking about.
A lot of people need to carefully study the Westminster Confession of Faith to understand Reformed Theology (which is Calvinist Theology). There is much that is true in that Confession, which is marred by that which is false (e.g. that God elects some for salvation and others for damnation).
At the same time, the Bible makes it crystal clear that we are saved "unto good works". Which means that if good works (some of the fruits of the Spirit) are absent, that person is not really saved. And that is exactly what James was talking about.
A lot of people need to carefully study the Westminster Confession of Faith to understand Reformed Theology (which is Calvinist Theology). There is much that is true in that Confession, which is marred by that which is false (e.g. that God elects some for salvation and others for damnation).
The 'good works' will be a changed life, a witness for Christ and a desire to please God more than self. Most Christians will not actually do works in the sense of being a Pastor, evangelist, teacher or whatever (there are too many who have not ever been called but are self appointed but that's another thread)
What I have seen, is that people talking past each other are sometimes saying the same thing while refusing to give an inch
I think almost all Christians would agree a changed life does come about with salvation. Mouth service only is not Christianity and I think both sides would agree on that...referring to the not by works thread and similar
one side states you do not have to do works for salvation, it is by grace only and the other side says you have to do works or you are not saved
I think the truth is in the middle. Salvation will incur the good works we have been created to do and those are the works of the Holy Spirit in us and not human good works as an unsaved person will also do good works
but the debate rages on for some nonetheless
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