You men who think that women should not be pastors (or any of the other ministeries listed in Eph 4v11-16, NOTE: Eph 4v11, '...He gave some...', it is God Who sets these ministeries in the Church, NOT men) are simply male chauvinists who twist a couple of Scriptures (1Cor 14v34,35 and 1Tim 2v11-15, the context in both being in regards to domestic issues, NOT church practice, as many Scriptures clearly teach that women fulfilled these ministeries, for instance, Priscilla, who taught truth to an Apostle and had a church in her house, Acts 18v26, Rom 16v3-5, 1Cor 4v6-9) so as to make them fit their warped viewpoint! Dear sisters don't let these spiritually blind persons (who are simply doing the enemies work) stop you from exercising your God given ministeries! Yahweh Shalom...