Ok, I read over the sermons, there is some good stuff there.
We disagree about where we are in the time line.
The Roman Empire dies in 476. it divided into more than 10 nations, Yes? Even today, more than 10 nations.
The number 10 is symbolic of complete division.
The fact that the Roman Empire divided into more than 10 nations proves that the number is symbolic.
So now we see that the time of the toes began at the Fall of Rome 476 ad.
It's not future, the toes don't come back together again, into one nation. Actually they diminish smaller and end.
You are waiting for a literal 10 nation restoration of the Roman Empire, when the division came long ago, 476 ad.
You believe that the Antichrist leader is coming, but he has been here all along, Caesar and the Vatican.
People are saying, is it this Bishop of Rome (BoR) or the next one? IT'S ALL OF THEM!
All of them claim to be the only true Israel/Church/kingdom.
All of them where the title of holy father.
They accept "adoration" worship.
The idea that this guy is future is a misconception.
The idea that the times of the gentiles ends when Jesus returns, for me is doubtful.
Can you give me some scripts. on that?
As far as I know, the only verse that clearly states when the ToGs will end is Lk 21:20-24, 24.
When Jerusalem is under the military control of Israel again, Jerusalem is no longer trampled by gentiles.
I don't know where your guy got his info., but brother Plainword has been there and will tell you that the Mount is firmly under the control of the Israel military.
This would mean that the statue is ended and the stone is about to strike.
We are not waiting for the toes to begin,
The toes have ended and the stone is about to strike.
We disagree about where we are in the time line.
The Roman Empire dies in 476. it divided into more than 10 nations, Yes? Even today, more than 10 nations.
The number 10 is symbolic of complete division.
The fact that the Roman Empire divided into more than 10 nations proves that the number is symbolic.
So now we see that the time of the toes began at the Fall of Rome 476 ad.
It's not future, the toes don't come back together again, into one nation. Actually they diminish smaller and end.
You are waiting for a literal 10 nation restoration of the Roman Empire, when the division came long ago, 476 ad.
You believe that the Antichrist leader is coming, but he has been here all along, Caesar and the Vatican.
People are saying, is it this Bishop of Rome (BoR) or the next one? IT'S ALL OF THEM!
All of them claim to be the only true Israel/Church/kingdom.
All of them where the title of holy father.
They accept "adoration" worship.
The idea that this guy is future is a misconception.
The idea that the times of the gentiles ends when Jesus returns, for me is doubtful.
Can you give me some scripts. on that?
As far as I know, the only verse that clearly states when the ToGs will end is Lk 21:20-24, 24.
When Jerusalem is under the military control of Israel again, Jerusalem is no longer trampled by gentiles.
I don't know where your guy got his info., but brother Plainword has been there and will tell you that the Mount is firmly under the control of the Israel military.
This would mean that the statue is ended and the stone is about to strike.
We are not waiting for the toes to begin,
The toes have ended and the stone is about to strike.
Surprise, you and me and almost everyone else posting here, are Gentile Believers. THUS THE TIMES of the GENTILES still going, and when we are called out to go to the Wedding of the Lamb, the Seventieth Week of Daniel begins. Then the Anti-Christ Gets all the enemies of ISRAEL, to sign a Seven Year Peace Treaty with Israel, giving them permission to re-build the Temple; then and ONLY then, for the first 3.5 years do the Gentiles stop trampling Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:24-27 (HCSB)
[SUP]24 [/SUP] Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city— to bring the rebellion to an end, to put a stop to sin, to wipe away iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy place.
[SUP]25 [/SUP] Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince will be seven weeks and 62 weeks. It will be rebuilt with a plaza and a moat, but in difficult times.
[SUP]26 [/SUP] After those 62 weeks the Messiah will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the coming prince will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come with a flood, and until the end there will be war;desolations{PLURAL} are decreed.
[SUP]27 [/SUP] He will make a firm covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and offering. And the abomination of desolation will be on a wing of the temple until the decreed destruction is poured out on the desolator.”
Do you honestly think the Gentile Attacks on Jerusalem are NOT Gentiles Trampling on Jerusalem and the fulfillment of multiple desolations?

A gentile Terrorist ATTACK in Jerusalem.

A gentile Terrorist ATTACK in Jerusalem.

A gentile Terrorist ATTACK in Jerusalem.

A gentile Terrorist ATTACK in Jerusalem.
Tell me how much Jewish blood do you have to see in Jerusalem, before you admit, the Gentiles are still Trampling on Jerusalem?

The Time of the Gentiles is between the 69th Week and the 70th.
As for the 10 nation confederacy, you forget that 10 can symbolize many, just like 1000 can symbolize a mulitude. However, I do lean towards a literal 10, three of the horns will altimately be torn up by their roots, ceasing to exist because they choose to merge with other nations, most likely to have more voting power, I suspect. Leaving 7 in the Confederacy's final form. Why do I still think it is the E.U. which has more than 10. Primarily because once a Dictator takes over, demanding the rest submit to him. Several most certainly will leave. England has already left, many in France would like their country to Leave the EU too.
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