Hey bluto, my apologies for taking so long to get back to this post.
I don't disagree.
In fact, I've stated a number of times that "knowing the right timing of the rapture, or
not knowing it correctly" does not affect one's salvation,
nor affect whether or not a believer will actually "go" (participate) in the rapture.
But one of my main beefs with those who
viciously attack it as being "a LIE from the pit of hell" and so forth--even while they say the same thing I said above, basically that if "pre-trib" turns out to be TRUE [
opposite to their own beliefs] then it's a "WIN / WIN" for all...
...okay, but that's not what I'm concerned so much about (I pretty much agree with that), MY concern is those
unsaved persons who HEAR these viciously
disparaging remarks about it (and who
will find themselves IN the trib [
should the rapture occur some time this century / in their lifetime
] because they were not saved beforehand, b/c they hadn't come to faith in Christ prior to the rapture)--
it is THOSE folks I am concerned about
because what they HEARD *now* (
the vitriol re: "pre-trib rapture")
will--or very likely could--factor into their "BELIEVING THE LIE" that comes into play IN / DURING / WITHIN the Trib years (
FOLLOWING "our Rapture"), 2Th2:10-12.
IOW, it's not the "believers" today that I'm concerned about "if they get the timing wrong"... it's
who our words AFFECT (even after we're outta here), that I believe we should be concerned about (in what we say), if that makes sense.
It seems NO ONE seems to express any concern for "how their words NOW, will affect those [presently unsaved persons] who will find themselves in the Trib
THEN" which IS WHEN the 2Th2:[9b]10-12 thing WILL TAKE PLACE (regarding "THE LIE / THE FALSE / THE
PSEUDEI" and the DECEPTION that the "man of sin" will also be connected with).
We ARE responsible for WHAT WE SAY NOW that affects THEM
THEN, see. I find that to be of grave importance; whereas I find that some who express
extreme attacks "against 'pre-trib'" do not acknowledge how this affects
anyone other than "
us Christians" [
now] who will "go" in the trib regardless of our views on this subject (of course all believers [
who've come to faith in Christ before the rapture] WILL "GO" in the rapture--but that's not
the sole concerning factor, as I've tried to explain above... as I see it).
Here's a few links where I provided some points on that passage...
but please bear in mind another point (which may not be present in these links / posts), how I've stated in past posts:
in every place (in Scripture) where the phrases "the day of the Lord" and "IN THAT DAY" are used IN CLOSE PROXIMITY / in the SAME CONTEXTS, they are referring to the SAME TIME PERIOD.
And we find this also in Paul's 2Th chpts 1 & 2 (chpt 1 has the phrase "IN THAT DAY"; chpt 2 has the phrase "THE DAY OF THE LORD"--they BOTH refer to the SAME [future] TIME PERIOD... not merely "a singular 24-hr day").
With that in mind, here are the LINKS
on 2Th1:7-8 -
Re: 2Th1:7-8 - "rest with us IN THE REVELATION OF..." -
Post #164 (& #165) - https://christianchat.com/threads/h...ular-in-the-modern-church.201091/post-4642584
Post #962 - https://christianchat.com/threads/h...ular-in-the-modern-church.201091/post-4655311
Post #256 - https://christianchat.com/threads/h...ular-in-the-modern-church.201091/post-4643531
Here is a link to
the more brief post about "Heb9:28"... bear in mind (
which I don't think is in this particular post / link) that the word
"G3708" has a total of 682 or 684[?] occurrences... in this study, I focus in on the ones used
regarding Jesus (same as in this Heb9:28 "appear" verse)... and where I've stated that one would have to come up with a different verse or passage to persuade me to their viewpoint [
away from "pre-trib"],
because this verse simply is not persuasive toward that direction, as I see it:
Re: Heb9:28 -
Post #730 - https://christianchat.com/threads/h...ular-in-the-modern-church.201091/post-4653352
Hope that helps you see my perspective. And again, my apologies for being so long to get back to these. = )
Have a great day, bluto!
P.S. I'm happy to try to clarify anything... just ask!