No, context is not everything and that leads to more error. Context is not the Holy Spirit and not Word is not limited to context.
Scripture was written for all who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - Read John 17 and Believe His Word.
Scripture was written for all who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - Read John 17 and Believe His Word.
Those verses (addressed from and to specific people in specific times and places) are just as inspired as the rest of the text. Context gives us the proper framework and hermeneutic with which to understand scripture. Without it, we may make it say whatever we want it to say. The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the addresses, which give us the context.
You're right, the Word is not limited to context. The context is PART OF the WORD, and therefore part of the TRUTH.
Yes, I agree that the Word was written FOR us all, including you and me. But, not that it was written TO us all. There is a difference, and it is important.
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