Here is C-Chapels take on the Trinity

right from their web site
"So what is God like? The Bible reveals that God is what we call triune (or trinitarian) in nature. When we say God is triune, we mean that God is three Persons in one divine being (the Trinity). These Persons within the being of God have revealed themselves in the Bible as God the Father, Jesus (God the Son), and God the Holy Spirit. Though difficult to fully understand, the concept of the Trinity is clearly depicted in the pages of the Bible. How so? Prepare for some serious mental exercise."
The Nature of God in a Nutshell
The biblical depiction of the nature of God can be summarized in 5 layers:
1. The Father is God
(John 6:27).
2. The Son is God
(John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:7-8; Colossians 1:13-17).
3. The Spirit is God
(Genesis 1:2; Job 33:4; Psalms 104:30; Acts 5:3-4; Acts 13:1-4).
4. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are NOT each other
(Matthew 3:16-17; John 1:1-3 & 18; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
5. There is only one God
(Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:32; Romans 3:30; 1 Corinthians 8:6).
Did you get all that? I know this is big to grasp for all of us, so let me say it all again: God exists as the three Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of those three Persons is divine. They are not three separate Gods. They are not merely one divine Person portraying Himself in three separate ways, such as a man who wears three different uniforms. The Father, Son and Spirit are literally three distinct Persons unified by one divine substance. Incredible!
Time for a Mental Meltdown
Usually, this is the point where our brains start to hurt. As we try to wrap our heads around the grandeur of God’s nature, feelings of futility and inadequacy soon follow. But don’t feel bad if that’s what you’re feeling as you read this! While we can certainly
apprehend the biblical teaching regarding the triune nature of God, we cannot fully
comprehend it in its fullness.
At Least Draw Me a Picture
Things get even more difficult when we try to illustrate the nature of God. The Trinity is not only difficult to understand, it is virtually impossible to illustrate. Many have used images like the Shamrock, egg, apple, and nuclear family (dad, mom, kids) to try to illustrate the Trinity.
My favorite illustration for the Trinity is probably the apple. You could say that the apple consists of three main parts: the core, the flesh and the skin. Each of those parts is not the other. The skin is not the flesh, the flesh is not the core, etc. And yet, the three distinct parts of the apple share one substance, and together are a single apple. So, there is a cute attempt at illustrating the Trinity for you. But still, as much as I like it, this analogy ultimately breaks down because God does not really consist of separate parts.
So, again, while I applaud and value illustrations like the apple as tools to help people grasp the Trinity, all illustrations fall short for different reasons. The truth is, you can’t just draw a picture of God! There is no simple way to articulate or make an analogy that fits His nature. Why? Nothing else in the universe is three-in-one in the same way that God is in His nature. Truly, God is bigger and better than our best definitions and illustrations.
FYI, this is all Doctine