All of my theology is not my own, but directly from the Bible.
I'd love it if all Christians could agree and believe the same. They certainly should, we all have the same Bible - basically. It would make life much easier if we all believed the same.
Short of that, I'm happy to correct any and all false teaching as it is very easy to see what aligns with the Scriptures and what does not.
God bless.
I'd love it if all Christians could agree and believe the same. They certainly should, we all have the same Bible - basically. It would make life much easier if we all believed the same.
Short of that, I'm happy to correct any and all false teaching as it is very easy to see what aligns with the Scriptures and what does not.
God bless.
Trinity is not a false Doctrine. Most are happy to correct those who disagree with them Theologically. Yet they lack the full explanation understanding. One would love for all Christians to agree with one person. Yet Orthodox Christianity has stood the test of time. It is those outside Biblical norms that push the false narratives and then try to call others wrong.
Those who are hyper Calvinist and extreme Charismatics. They argue about the Salvation, yet they are saved. Both do more to hurt the Kingdom of God than help it. Legalism elite the scriptures to take out of Context.
They added this, and they added that to the word of God. Blah, blah, blah. God is fully able to keep HIS word.
Do you know what was added to the Bible that everyone reads and has not complained about once?
Chapters and verses in the Bible were added. FYI, Paul and the Apostles and Prophets did not write using Chapters and verses.
Many of you miss the context because you think it has ended at the end of the verse or the Chapter. Circle your wagon around one text.
Stand is a circular Firing squad. But don't tell me about what was added. Until you learn your bible.
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