Hi Zone, always nice to chat with you.
It is completely settled that evolution occurred. There is no disagreement about that, not even with evolutionists with a Christian bent, and there are many. The fact is that evolutionists, whether they are atheists or Christians think the same things in regard evolution. There are plenty of debates over the details, but none over whether or not evolution occurs.
It is completely settled that evolution occurred. There is no disagreement about that, not even with evolutionists with a Christian bent, and there are many. The fact is that evolutionists, whether they are atheists or Christians think the same things in regard evolution. There are plenty of debates over the details, but none over whether or not evolution occurs.
"It is completely settled that evolution occurred" - one authoritative source please?
"There is no disagreement about that, not even with evolutionists with a Christian bent, and there are many. The fact is that evolutionists, whether they are atheists or Christians think the same things in regard evolution." - so:
because all Christian agree that God created the world, that doesn't mean it's true - for you?
because all evolutionists believe evolution is true - that makes evolution true?
"There are plenty of debates over the details, but none over whether or not evolution occurs." - as in, is occurring now....and is an ongoing, continual process.
may i see the evidence that one species is currently evolving into another today?
again, Cycel...i'm afraid you simply are unable to account for information. even in an atheist's view, life can not evolve in any way without information (i'll be lazy and call it DNA - blueprints).
if a random, accidental existence came about (the cause of the big bang not withstanding
evolution of 'life', resulting in species PLURAL, along with natural selection only 'works' with an unimaginably OLD universe.
together with an impossible number of alternative evolutionary scenarios which apparently did NOT take place.
which is why a inflationary, or expanding cosmology was needed.
chaos or order. you must choose one.
if it began as chaos, and evolved into order....is it all evolving into a SUPER ORDER, and how would that come to pass, since mankind has only been able to effect such things as basic animal husbandry.
these are questions i wonder about (that apparently have been resolved by all the evolutionists who agree with each other).
if you say - these question do not matter, are irrelevant, you are not being honest.
in reality, Cycel, you are holding to a very religious system:
Kabbalistic Cosmology
and its parallels in the
‘Big-Bang' of Modern Physics
Kabbalistic Cosmology
the science (which is mere philosphy) is all about emandations.
you've seen this site before.
i will post some more scholary articles on the subject, and you will find your favorite "atheists" in them.
they are very religious people, some of them
love zone.