The problem I have with this statement is the definitive statement of certainty about sin
"we will always sin" "we will NOT tend toward our sin nature"
We are creatures under Gods authority, in His kingdom.
The point of entry is faith and washing with the desire to walk as Jesus walked.
We claim rights by faith, and buy into the transforming nature of the cross in our hearts.
Is not believing we can never be free from sin, a denial of the very faith one is beginning
in? There is a vast difference between saying we know Paul and the apostles walked
righteously, and we desire to do the same, and one day in faith we will, and no it is
all a mysterious failure made clean by the soap of grace.
Do not get me wrong, love is a very strange, elusive thing, and how Christs love works out
in our lives is not a simple here are things to believe, say and do, it is a walk, it is the Holy
Spirit walking in our hearts. What I have grown in, is to know love changes us, and we can
only say today our struggles are this or that, what they will be next year, only the Lord knows.
Many people who appear to hate this idea, often appear people who shut out their emotions
and heart from the Lord, which makes me suspect this is the limit on their walk.
So God is waiting for us to reach out in faith and believe the cross will deliver His people
in truth and reality into righteousness, walked by His people.
We usually agree so I read this twice.
Yes. I agree with my original statement that we will always sin. I think you take this to be my appoval of sin, or maybe that saying this encourages sin.
We transform our mind daily. Read Romans 12:1-3
There's very little we can offer God, the creator of the universe. We can offer Him ourselves. So we present our body a living sacrifice. This means that we take everything we do from when we wake up to when we go to sleep and present it to God as a living sacrifice --- we place it at the foot of the cross as an offering of love.
These are our works, which many deny, even going to work and raising children is a "work" when done unto God since without God everything is of no value.
The transformation changes us from the inside out. It starts in the heart and works its way to the exterior where most anyone can see that we're trying to live in the Kingdom. (Mathew 5)
We are to recognize what God wants from us and just do it. When we serve God, He will always bring out the best in us.
So Paul and the Apostles walked righteously. Does this mean they never sinned??
We walk in God's righteousness, does this mean we will never sin?
Jesus said to be perfect like our Father in heaven is perfect. Did He mean this literally? Or is it a striving??
Mathew 5:48
It has to be a striving because Jesus also said, Only Our Father In Heaven Is Good.
Mark 10:18
So, yes, I agree with you that love changes us. Jesus said to love our neighbor as ourselves. To love God first. That pretty much covers all the moral law. But can we expect perfection at some point in our lives? I don't think so.
If you do, I will not argue that point with you. God speaks to us individually and as a Group. Perhaps in your case this is what he's telling you to strive for. Perhaps in your case this is what is necessary.
This is not something we should be debating. I am NOT limited in my walk because of this. I also believe in loss of salvation, just so you understand me. We MUST DO the best we possibly can.
We no longer walk by flesh, but by the Spirit of God. We still have a sin nature though --- which is kept under submission by the Holy Spirit.
I know monks who live about 45 minutes from my house. They go to confession regulary.
Why do you think that is? Please answer this. Think about it.