That really gets me thinking jumbo. The first sin being the lie that if you don't believe what God has said, you won't die...
I am here the next day and it's still got a hold on my mind! (oh by the way, spellcheck would apparently appreciate it if you would change your name to jumbo instead of jimbo.

So, I know we each have these filters that we sift everything through. Everyone by now knows I have one giant filter and it's "ABIDING!!" I put it in caps juuuust in case you didn't recall me ever using the word ABIDING!!

Of COURSE you remember me saying it because by now you're not just sick of the word ABIDING because of me, you're also sick of every other word I use to describe it. like, TRUSTING, CONTINUING IN FAITH, PERSEVERING TO THE END, etc. But we all have some thing that we filter the word through, or a certain doctrine we filter it through. We just do.
So why your post hit me in the face yesterday was know how you read, especially the OT, and you begin to suddenly see repetitions on a theme, not just in the bible but also in everyday life, you are pretty sure you see some strange repeat?? Liket. you read about Israel and you see that we do something so similar that it's really the same thing? I could give examples but ,i'm just going to give the one that hit me in the face at your post.
Did God
really say you have to continue in trust to live?
Do you see it? It's been put through my filter and I can't help it. I truly believe there is one thing He wants from me and that's to trust His Son. So in areas where He shows me I'm
saying I believe but
proving myself a liar, (ex: worrying over job, finances), not only am I being a hearer of the word but not a doer, but I'm compounding the issue by being a Pharisee and telling myself I do it (when I don't) and a hypocrite by teaching others to believe then doing the opposite, which will disqualify me, according to Paul: I make sure that after I have taught others, I don't disqualify myself. (my paraphrase).
And I have another filter and it just naturally filters through that one too when I read, and it's the filter of WORKS, because if He shows me these areas of un-trust and my reaction is fear or depression, or beginning to try to change it myself instead of saying, yes, I see Lord, have mercy and help me, and then running to Him when I see I'm stuck in this in-trust, then there's a problem. If my reaction is anything other than sinking deeper into trust and praying and waiting, then I'm just trying hard to grow my own faith, my own self.
So, to the very best of my knowledge and understanding, I have taken faith seriously and have taken works seriously. I've considered the verses on both sides of the fence. I've taken into account His WHOLE counsel, not just some doctrine.