I'm just going to chime in on this one.
Remember when Jesus told Peter that he would deny him?
Peter was shocked and all like 'I would NEVER do that Lord'
And then he did.
Does that make Peter an Antichrist? Obviously not. He was the one whom Jesus said 'You are my rock' to and the one whom he said 'This is your mother' (in reference to Mary) from the cross.
So yes. Jesus himself experienced betrayal from his own apostles. Judas also sold him out for a few Silver coins. And then realising the gravity of what he'd just fine I took his own life. Peter in that other hand repented and went on to become one of great apostles in the Bible post resurrection.
And yes I agree with Jerry, you absolutely CAN lose your salvation. Being baptized is only the beginning of your walk. If you follow Christ and the law of love in the Bible you'll be saved as is the promise. But nowhere in there does it say that you can't lose your salvation. In fact Paul went around telling the early churches there were Jesusing wrong and some of them would not inherit God's kingdom.
One thing God is revealing to me at the moment is an why sin is bad. It's not solely because we're breaking rules. It's because we are violating the laws of true love. And when you are not acting in love it has ripple effects that send shockwaves through humanity and time itself. One little thoughtless indiscretion can affect so many people and set into motion chains of events that cause a soul to become lost.
I truly wish I could show you the vision God has given me. If you saw it you'd never want to sin again and you'd become the most loving person on this earth it's that awful.
There is a reason why Jesus said 'Love thy neighbour' is the greatest commandment of them all. It's because if you do this above all else you'll be walking in love and spreading God's light.
So strict rule following without love achieves nothing. Loving your neighbours and forgiving achieves everything.
Remember when Jesus told Peter that he would deny him?
Peter was shocked and all like 'I would NEVER do that Lord'
And then he did.
Does that make Peter an Antichrist? Obviously not. He was the one whom Jesus said 'You are my rock' to and the one whom he said 'This is your mother' (in reference to Mary) from the cross.
So yes. Jesus himself experienced betrayal from his own apostles. Judas also sold him out for a few Silver coins. And then realising the gravity of what he'd just fine I took his own life. Peter in that other hand repented and went on to become one of great apostles in the Bible post resurrection.
And yes I agree with Jerry, you absolutely CAN lose your salvation. Being baptized is only the beginning of your walk. If you follow Christ and the law of love in the Bible you'll be saved as is the promise. But nowhere in there does it say that you can't lose your salvation. In fact Paul went around telling the early churches there were Jesusing wrong and some of them would not inherit God's kingdom.
One thing God is revealing to me at the moment is an why sin is bad. It's not solely because we're breaking rules. It's because we are violating the laws of true love. And when you are not acting in love it has ripple effects that send shockwaves through humanity and time itself. One little thoughtless indiscretion can affect so many people and set into motion chains of events that cause a soul to become lost.
I truly wish I could show you the vision God has given me. If you saw it you'd never want to sin again and you'd become the most loving person on this earth it's that awful.
There is a reason why Jesus said 'Love thy neighbour' is the greatest commandment of them all. It's because if you do this above all else you'll be walking in love and spreading God's light.
So strict rule following without love achieves nothing. Loving your neighbours and forgiving achieves everything.
he denied to some people in fear that he knew him
huge difference,
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