Why are you avoiding the passage in Ephesians 2? And going out of your way not to have to deal with what is written, and the implications of it?
Verses 1-3 are clearly descriptive of unbelievers. And it clearly states in verse 5 that in this estate, God quickens them with Christ. Why is that so hard to admit?
There is nothing to admit, read in context and make sure all scripture is taken into account not just proof texts here and there.
Yes God “made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions” (Eph 2:5 ), it is equally true that “you were also raised with him *through your faith* in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
(Col 2:12)
But Scriptures clearly teach, and Paul confirms in
vss 8-9 in this context, that salvation grace goes
through faith.
1)Light (the Gospel from outside oneself) then 2) faith then 3) life.
This clause is still true if it reads - "when we were living in death [and when He gave us the light of the gospel which we put our trust in] He made us alive."
Please follow correct ordo salutis and adhere to biblical teaching.